Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why are we so afraid to talk about Jesus on Facebook?

With the Advent season upon us I had a few things that had been swirling about in my mind. Why are we so focused on everthing else BUT God and why is it a social "no-no" to talk about it out loud?

Facebook or social media in general is an amazing tool to evangelize through, but I feel like most of us (myself included) are missing the opportunity to really forward the Gospel and introduce people to Jesus. Instead, we are sharing and forwarding insignifigant things and celebrating other's struggles. We worship each other and then become umcomfortable about it and can't wait to see these people we worshipped fall flat on their face.

When you think about what topics get people buzzing it usually surrounds something dramatic. Someone's fall from grace, freak accident or homicide. At this point everyone has a concern and/or an opinion. It's a hot news item. But mention Jesus outside a set number of people you know believe in Him and love Him, and your post get's no love. None.

Why is that? What is not dramatic about the Son of God dying gruesomely on a cross for the forgiveness of our sins? Why do people look at you funny when you say that out loud?

Why are we celebrating the suffering of others?

Why are we so attracted to terrible things?

We have way more people than we need on all meduims (TV, Print, Radio, Internet) that are paid for their opinions on pretty much everything, and I mean everything. Pop culture is all about the "reality" of life. However, Jesus is obviously not "reality" enough. In the sports world for instance, they cover and report something until there is nothing left and in some cases a life is destroyed, then when it's done, they move onto another story, obsess over it and try to uncover every nasty detail for the same conclusion. What sometimes trumps a negative story is a story about someone who is trying to rebuild after experiencing such a pounding from the media. We all seem to eat this up over and over again. Sponsors pay for advertising since we all tune in to hear it. It's like we love to build others up and then all at once punch them in the face, kick em a bit while they are down, then offer to help them back up. Common response. Stop tuning in. Well, have you been able to do that? I think we need to do more than stop tuning in.

In the end I just wish it wasn't so awkward or unporfessional to speak of God's love in the workplace or in mainstream media. His love and mercy is so great, how can we not look past so many distractions, unplug and see His light. Feel His presense.

As always please feel free to share your thoughts or opinions. Do you agree with me? Or do you think I am off base?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What do we do with our suffering and our pain?

Do you ever wonder what why there is so much suffering and pain in this world? Why innocent people die and young children are stricken with disease? Why loved ones leave us so soon? These are such difficult things to talk about and even more difficult to understand God's plan in it all. This brings me to the word peace.

Fast and Pray.

I believe that understanding peace of heart and mind is understanding God's love and plan in all of this for us all. Just think about this, when we fast (deny ourselves something we desire for a short amount of time or a period of time) and pray regularly we start to establish a sense of peace or withdraw from the world around us and it's problems. We are able to construct within us a fortress of trust and love in God. Once we have a glimpse of this peace we yearn for more. Don't get me wrong, at times we will get caught up in some trouble, worry or even a vice or two that combats this peace, but by returning to prayer and fasting we are able to re-establish some of this peace, however little we get a taste again, like a little mini mental vacation that can be taken from anywhere. It is in this practice that we gain a thing called discipline, a wondrous virtue that can evolve the soul and mind of even the most ardent sinner. With discipline comes peace, which continues to construct this fortress of trust and love in God within ourselves.

Praying & Fasting = Discipline..this equals peace. Humility takes us home.

So the goal is to be one with God right? God is all love and peace. He is discipline. To be one with God's requires us to be of peace, love and discipline. Oh, but what about humility? Well, prayer is a sign of humility towards God. Humility is the exact opposite of pride and selfishness, which only enhances our sacrifice in fasting. Now here is how I would suggest fasting and praying can assist in our day to day suffering. Let me take you into a analogy to help better explain my reasoning.

I spoke of constructing a fortress of trust and love in God within ourselves, which establishes peace from within. Think about it this way, if you were a nation what is one thing you need to ensure peace of mind? Protection from a threat. So, in peace time, and sometimes during war time you are constructing a fortress of protection to ensure the enemy does not get to the capital of your nation, where decisions are made and ideas have their greatest strength. Keeping in mind it is much easier to build and reinforce the fortress during peace time than during a war with so many distractions. Once you have fortified your fortress, you have some peace of mind, but are never fully comfortable resting on your laurels so you continue to maintenance and reinforce what you already have, no matter how strong you think it is. Well, think of your nation as your soul and your capitol as your heart. Think of your fortress as protection for your heart and soul and prayer and fasting as the granite blocks that will defend your heart and soul. The enemy is evil, the devil, whatever you call it depending on where you are. Either way, building these fortresses requires perseverance in prayer and fasting. It requires discipline. Nothing great ever comes without discipline. Exercising prayer and fasting ever day will continue to strengthen your defense against evil (even corruption from within i.e pride, lust, selfishness) so when we suffer in ways we can never imagine one day (get attacked by five nations at once from all sides), our fort will hold, our love and trust in God will not waiver, and our peace will not be destroyed. Most importantly, our heart and soul will not perish and will remain with God.