Thursday, June 11, 2009

Are We Giving God our best time?

Are we though? It seems if we are not settled down and caring for children and a home, we are watching TV or playing around on the internet on Facebook, Myspace, here, or some other social media website. I can see how the time could be virturous and elightening, but do we set aside our best time everyday for prayer? Not just the time that fits into our schedules? I struggle with this everyday, sometimes i will find myself just reading and listening to virtuous material, but not finding time to pray. This is still not good. I need to continue to work on this!

Our world we live in. It's about making more money. It's about worshiping sports and the players that play them. Following how much money they make. Taking joy from their struggles and obsessing over them on online forums and blogs. Following the celebrities in music and movies. Taking the same approach with these poeple until you want what they have so much that you disregard how lucky you are to have the Lord has given you, since it is all you need! Enter in the social media wave. Facebook. Twitter. Myspace. This is the chance we all have to be important. Have followers. Have fans and more friends than the other. Its like we are all back in high school all over again. I do think they have a positive purpose. Staying connected to loved ones and spreading the Good News, but it has all the draw backs as well. As a marketer by day job, i attend conferences and lunches where companies present analytics on this stuff that will blow your mind. These companies make millions of dollars analyzing the people who are online all the time posting about themselves..something doesnt make sense here!! Starving and sick poeple in this world and some can make millions studying other's bad habits! The whole world is on the internet at home and mobile with their fancy iPhone or Blackberry. Constantly posting updates oh what they are doing like everyone wants to know..maybe they do, but that's besides the point! This culture is all about ME! Not about serving others and the Lord. It just pushing farther away from the full truth and it is sad. We need to make time, find time from all this distraction. Remember this is all my opinion, maybe no one cares, but i do not want to hurt anyone with a post like this, so just remember i am trying to refrain from judgement here.

Our world is surrounded by the phrase and belief "Truth is realitive". Well if that were case in science, that would mean a scientist could alter the formula until he "beleived it was true to him" and it should still produce the same result right? No! That would mean as a contractor he could really cheap material to build a house because he "surely beleives" it was what he should use, but then the house falls apart and he gets sued down the road! Or in Mathematics, if a professor beleives in a new way to solve the equation 2 + 2 where it will equal 5 and not 4. No, that is not the truth. That is the problem with society today, the only time they can use the law of realitism is with faith and how to interpret that which supports it. Just something to think about. How does anyone else make time to pray everyday? Please share, cause im looking for new ideas and i'm sure others would like to know!

God Bless!