Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Why are we all fighting? Can't we forgive?

I just have to ask that question more than I'd like to.. It seems that we are always fighting, taking sides, hedging grudges, never forgiving each other, whether it be political, global economics, sports and amongst ourselves over relationships we have. It just seems like we cannot get along at all and cannot break down our pride walls to forgive one another.

The sanctity of life is a very serious subject, not only to the Catholic Church but to many people worldwide that share differing opinions about the subject. I feel like society today is always looking for a mulligan in life, the easy path. A do over. This pains me. Yes, I am talking Abortion and all of its ramifications. You do not have to be a Catholic to oppose this travesty, but it seems like the love affair with Obama (while other than his stance on Pro-Choice he seems to be a great man) is sheilding everyone from the campaigning that is occuring (Dont get me started on Catholics like Pelusi and Biden) to give people a choice in the matter. Everyone is looking for a do over. Yes, i understand certain circumstances are horrific nature such as pregrancy through rape and force is nothing to joke about, nor do i know or pretend to know what that could possibly be like for a woman to have to go through something such as that. There are people and places you can go to. So many.

It seems to me that alot of society is wanting a do over and thinking about advancing themselves in any way they can, whether it is something simple like lying to get a raise, saying negative things about another , judging others by what they look like or what they wear or what they drive or where they live, how much money they make, cutting someone off on the highway or street or simply carrying a pompous attitude towards others in order to keep them notched down. Here is the catch:

We have a do over in flesh form. His name is Jesus.

Our God forgives and forgets when we come to him in repentence. He knows our hearts. No one else does, only He does. He has this power and obtaining everlasting life for us when He dies on that cross. He knew all of this would happen, this is why it was so ugly and painful. Aren't we so ugly and painful to watch at times. However, we can be so beautiful and caring too. This is called Hope. A hope that we can change and see what really is important.

Our Souls.

Not how many cars we have, how big the house is and how much money we can make or hide from others, our souls brothers and sisters. That is only currency that carries merit in this bankrupt world we live in. Remember Jesus said while he was nailed to a cross, to the people who spat on Him, ridiculed Him, crucified him, gave up on Him, "Forgiver them Father, they know not what they do" He said this dripping with blood, dying, in front of all the people who opposed Him and continued to mock Him. What a loaded sentence that was. Why are we always fighting with each other? If Jesus is able to forgive us for something that horrible while dying on a cross, can't we just get along and forgive each other as well?

We want a do over? His name is Jesus.


  1. Amen Bro! Jesus is all the "do over" we need... how can we help others realize this?

  2. By not being afraid to write about it. I write music about it, but we need to do more. We need to spread the truth in more than one way. The internet is a battlefield of morale these days. So much evil and indulgence living on the internet. Invite your brothers and sisters to visit this blog and speak their mind and spread truth to combat all of it. Ignorance is what's coming between kids and adults alike. They focus on what this world is saying and ignoring the gospels. Like is said before, Our Lord aid it best, he saw it all coming "..They know not what they do"

  3. I like what I see! Keep it coming! May God bless you in your efforts.

  4. This is really good! I can't wait until God gives me the strength, wisdom, and opportunity to expand MY public ministry! You're an awesome person and I couldn't have picked a better confirmation sponsor <3

  5. Just let it flow my sister in Christ! I am so proud of you, you can start now. Just feed off what I am saying. You can do it.
